Saturday, February 10, 2007

20 degrees F, -7 degrees C

And the warmest outdoor spot in Elmira, New York, USA, is right in the middle of the Chemung River.

Totally frozen now, it is possible to cross the river on foot. Safely. The only flowing water was coming from Hoffman Creek, under the city. The inlet was well frozen only a few feet from the culvert.

We skirted the river bank, looking for a good place to land. It was quite warm in the bright sunshine and the river was hard, hard, hard. Ellie ran here and there, looking to me for guidance.

Still and all, ice is very slippery, even, or especially on the Chemung. We moved slowly downriver until we found a good spot. Ellie easily climbed the bank, and I had little trouble. Then we crossed Foster Island and followed the levee to the Fishing Access Ramp. Lots of tracks on the river, human and otherwise.

Upstate New York is glorious on a bright, snow-covered morning!

Little Pond

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